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New Virus Killing Your Wireless Connection!

Scott CroppedThere is something new out this week that kills off the wireless on a laptop. It can come out in one or two ways. First way is your wireless will not see any networks at all. Second way is the wireless will see the network but cannot either connect or connects and drops the connection every few mins or so.

The only way I can found to get rid of this is to delete the hidden temp in the users hidden local settings folder, and also delete the temp in the windows folder. Make sure you have an updated Malwarebytes and the latest download of Combofix. Boot in to safe mode and run both programs, reboot and see if it works. If your using a 3rd part app to control your wireless say like dells wireless utility you may have to uninstall and reinstall it.

I believe the virus corrupts the Windows Zero wireless config panel upon start up, after removing it and a reboot the config should sort itself out. t does the same with the 3rd parties but in their case they are normally broken until reinstalled. Also make sure you go in to internet options and connection settings and make sure you click detect settings automatically, as the virus will set a fake proxy.

This is a nasty little virus, and the bad thing about it is it will go through network, I had a system with it on this weekend at my house and it spread through my network hitting my laptop and my wife’s.

Hope this will help you out on the road.

Scott Wiltshire

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