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What is a Zettabyte?

2011-07-05_1407 recent Engadget post demonstrated just how big a Zettabyte is. Cisco things that by 2015 will be the commencement of the Zettabyte era. Other ways to visualize how big a Zettabyte is:

“you can alternatively think of it as the equivalent of 250 billion DVDs, 36 million years of HD video, or the volume of the Great Wall of China if you allow an 11oz cup of coffee to represent a gigabyte of data. So "zetta" must be Greek for one hell of a lot, but what Cisco expects is that we'll be pushing that much information around the web each year by 2015.”

I still can get a sense of how big a terabyte is, and I can barely imagine the amount of storage that a single petabyte is.But going up two more factors to get to a zettabyte is just mind boggling and to think we will be pushing that much data around the Internet in another couple of years is amazing.

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