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RouterSoft-Allows you to turn your notebook into a secure wireless router.

logoI recently spent a two week period in training in a Raleigh, NC where my hotel room only had a single “Wired” internet connection. While this was great for my notebook being directly tied to the cable connection, my other wireless devices would have been unusable if I hadn’t brought an Access Point with me on the trip. In this situation I could have used this software on one of the two notebooks I had brought with me and turned it into a router that would have provided a secure wireless connection for all of my wireless devices. Then I could have had one less device in my kit bag to drag along with me on the trip.

There are many other situations that this software product can help you with as well. Allows the wireless connection that you are using on your notebook to be shared with other devices. Why is this important? If the connection is a rented link like in a hotel, you could expand that link to multiple devices through the single interface. Share the Aircard you have in your notebook with multiple devices. Use your imagination I’m sure you can come up with other situations that may make this piece of software useful to you as well.


RouterSoft works on any machine running XP, Vista or Windows 7 operating systems. When setting up your network router it forces you to assign a password to access your network and it creates a secure, encrypted link between the machine that is running the software and your wireless devices. You can demo the software for free by downloading from their site. The demo has a time limit on it of 24 hours. They have two other pricing plans as well. If you want to buy the annual subscription it is $9.95 and they also have an unlimited version for $29.95. So it is very reasonable and much less expensive then purchasing a hardware access point or router.

Keep this product in mind when you get into a jam and need to expand your capabilities on the road. It may be a wonderful utility that will solve your wireless problem.

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