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Amazon is talking with the UK Government about the safe use of drones in small package delivery


While the idea of placing a One-Click order on Amazon Prime and having the package delivered to you just thirty minutes later is very intriguing, this really is taking the shopping experience to a level that is suggesting pure laziness on our part. But is does fuel my geeky side as well.

This service dubbed “Amazon PrimeAir” suggests that there is a real strong case for the service as shown in the video below because we really need to instantly quiet down the screaming child.

While this is old news the video above shows a new drone prototype that has been released. This drone is designed to fly up to fifteen miles and up to 400 feet. It will be able to carry up to 5 lbs of cargo and unlike the original images we saw it will no longer be delivering your stuff in a plastic box but in a normal cardboard box that is carried internally in the drone.

While the same concerns that were mentioned in earlier reviews of this service still exists, Amazon is still actively pursuing this avenue of delivery.

  1. Review: Concerns over Drone Delivery
  2. One of the original Amazon Videos
  3. New Drone Look

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