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Exciting Upcoming Changes from PAconnect!

Over the last six months we have will been working very hard in creating better integration of all our administrative systems. If you have received a recent bill from us you'll see that it has changed from a tool system listing to a single system listing so that you are being billed just from our service management product.

The next part of her integration provides automated reporting of all the services that you currently have with us so that with a much quicker turnaround time on audit control of those services being billed to you. By integrating these two parts of our systems reporting, we are insuring a more accurate report to you on what you have been receiving as a service from us.

Another change that you will see is that your service billings will be billed separately from your discounted service contract. These are going to be two separate processes and will come to you as separate invoices. If you have quarterly or annual billings those also come under separate invoices as well. This should provide a much simpler method for you to track what services you are being billed for and when to expect the billings to occur.

We look forward to answering any questions that you might have discussing these changes.  will

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